This is the old PSY website and it's not active. Go to our new page:
Welcome to our PSY AC Clan website
This is the official webpage for the PSY AC Clan. Please leave your comments at the Guestbook.
The clan was founded December 12, 2010.
Our servers are:
Main Server: **** EUROPEAN FAST SERVER ****
Capacity: 12 Players
Custom Connect:
Admins: [PSY]Death, [PSY]pwnmeister, [PSY]Gaby
Location: Brussels
Training Server: .... b. EUROPEAN FAST SERVER ....
Capacity: 8 Players
Custom Connect: PORT 10000
Admins: [PSY]Death, [PSY]Legend, [PSY]Z3R0
Location: Brussels
We try to let them 24/7.
Welcome! =D
* You have to be invited and tested.